An Introduction to the World of Information Communication and Technology: A Guide to Teachers and Students, Edition 1

Dr. Jacob Manu
Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Ghana.

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Book Details


Dr. Jacob Manu




BP International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-49238-74-9 (Print)
978-93-49238-24-4 (eBook)


February 04, 2025

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Jacob Manu

Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Ghana.

Over two decades now, the 21st century has witnessed unprecedented inventions and improvements in information and communication technology (ICT). The world is moving at an exponential rate in terms of technology. This calls for a paradigm shift from the old ways of doing things. There is the need to immerse ourselves with the tools and technical expertise that will make people competitive at the personal and professional levels. To arrive at such a destination, there is a need for a living curriculum that promises future leaders the right level of technological skills and other competencies. This can be done through the daily teaching and learning experiences of the learners.

This book is a thoughtful masterpiece, aimed at helping novice teachers, students and practitioners in general in the field of ICT. The book provides the basics for developing the requisite skills consistent with the world of learning and work through ICT. In this book, the meaning of ICT is contextualised and focuses on exposing readers to important digital tools and applications that are available in the 21st century. Again, it makes an attempt to help readers, in practical ways, how to become proficient with the tools. The areas covered in this book are the concept of ICT, window management, introduction to Microsoft Word, introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, storage media and devices, Introduction to Microsoft Excel, the internet, introduction to Google Workspace, and introduction to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Apart from the practical nature of the content, there are supporting information and pictures to help readers relate to the content.

In terms of the scope of coverage, the areas have been selected carefully to match the frequently used digital tools and applications at the personal and professional levels. Knowledge from the areas covered will equip the readers to be able to adapt themselves well to any new digital tool or application since the underlying principles of application use are similar. ICT should be used as a partner to help reduce, manage, and promote the different types of cognitive load of students (Jonassen, 2006; Sweller, 2010). As we make an attempt to imbue these skills in the younger generation, the older generation is surrounded with unprecedented opportunities to make good decisions driven by data. The challenge that the world faces is the extent to which the use of these technologies makes people idle. There are many of the youth, especially in Africa, who are not using these digital tools to their advantage. For this reason, many of them might not be able to realise their dreams in life.