Contemporary Perspective on Science, Technology and Research Vol. 8

Prof. Hamdy M Afefy
Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt.

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Book Details


Prof. Hamdy M Afefy




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-971983-4-2 (Print)
978-81-971983-0-4 (eBook)


April 09, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Hamdy M Afefy

Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt.

This book covers key areas of science, technology and research. The contributions by the authors include patient monitoring system, cloud computing technology, advanced real time telemedicine system, telemetric unit, internet of things, image processing, edge detection techniques, peak signal to noise ratio big data platform spark and sqi images, oil-water separation, waste minimization, oil-water effluent management practices, volumetric flow rate, substrates integrated waveguide, printed circuit board technology, dual-mode cavity coupling principle, wave communication, regular idempotent, idempotent separating congruence, environment protection, greenhouse gas, automotive industry, increase energy efficiency, global positioning systems, dam deformation, non-geodetic techniques, dam structural movement, observational study, randomized trials, cause-and-effect conclusions, statistical thinking, greening agriculture, solar-powered robotic seed sower, fossil fuels, direct current motor, internal combustion engines, technology service innovation, Fluctuating Demand, Heterogeneity, service- dominant, nuclear refrigeration, 3He/4He dilution refrigerator, sector of low temperatures, auditing of conformity, security of system, occupational health and safety, industrial security, electrocardiogram, heart’s physiology, genetic algorithm, multi-layer perceptron neural network, multi-layer perceptron neural network. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and  academicians in the field of science, technology and research.