Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 11

Dr. Xingting Wang, (Editor)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington, USA.

Book Details


Dr. Xingting Wang




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-91882-27-3 (Print)
978-93-91882-93-8 (eBook)


September 20, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Xingting Wang

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington, USA.

This book covers key areas of mathematics and computer science. The contributions by the authors include smart schooling system, smart education, Analytical Hierarchy Process, I-Non-expansive multi-valued mapping, Fixed point, Weak convergence, Strong convergence, Banach space, Ishikawa iteration, countable family, elliptic curve cryptography, double and add operation, affine coordinates, social enterprise, sustainability of social enterprise, social economy, social enterprise in Korea, dilation, Erosion, Hypergraph, Intuitionistic Fuzzy, Klein four-group, statistical inference, contraception, pregnancy rate, pregnant woman rate, image Segmentation, image recognition, texton, pixels, merging algorithm for mobile users, pseudo-differential type operator, Hankel type convolution, Bessel type operator, Hankel type transform, Sobolev type space, human thinking, single sampling plan, Gamma-Zero inflated poisson distribution, oc curve, minimum angle method, risk minimization. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of mathematics and computer science.


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