This book covers key areas of biological science. The contributions by the authors include insect-specific viruses, entomological surveillance, arthropod-borne viruses, bunyaviruses, hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms, socio-economic requirements, biodegradation, biotransformation of wastewater, enzymatic activity, COVID-19 pandemic, medicinal applications of messenger RNA, induced pluripotent stem cells, regenerative medicine, rumen microbial degradation, consecutive batch culture, volatile fatty acids, whole cottonseed, mesenchymal stem cells, dysregulation of behavior, physiological wound healing, small extracellular vesicles, extra cellular matrix, MSC-sEVs, allogenic transplantation, low back pain, myofascial technique, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation, kinesio-taping, behavioural and cognitive therapy, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, intensive forest management, volumetric shrinkage, wood quality, lubeg tree species, integrated pest management, spider families, arachnid orders, spider venom, macrophyte floral diversity, aquatic macrophytes, aquatic weed meal, phytoremediation, bio-control, drug lixisenatide, GLP1 receptor agonists, potential toxicity of drug, cerebral cortex. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the fields of biological science.
Innovations in Biological Science Vol. 9
Dr. Pinar Oguzhan Yildiz
University of Ataturk, Turkey.
Book Details
Editor(s) | Dr. Pinar Oguzhan Yildiz |
Pages | 223 |
Publisher | BP International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-81-978082-2-7 (Print) |
Published | August 05, 2024 |