Medical Science: Trends and Innovations Vol. 1

Prof. Gul Ozcan
University of Istanbul, Turkey.

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Book Details


Prof. Gul Ozcan




BP International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-49238-12-1 (Print)
978-93-49238-20-6 (eBook)


January 28, 2025

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Gul Ozcan

University of Istanbul, Turkey.

This book covers key areas of medical science. The contributions by the authors include perceived parental behaviour, adolescent sexual risk behaviour, religiosity, novel biliary conduit, choledochoplasty, bile duct reconstruction, necrotizing pancreatitis, biliary tract repair, biliary tract destruction, damaged extrahepatic biliary tree,  magnetic resonance imaging, mullerian duct anomalies, ultrasonography, COVID-19 vaccines, adenovirus-shuttled vaccine, whole-virion inactivated vaccine, subarachnoid haemorrhage, lenticulostriate artery aneurysm, facial nerve, geniculate ganglion, petrosal nerves, nuclear paralysis, cerebral small vessel disease, geriatric intervention, vertigo, hysterectomy, numerical pain rating scale, possum scoring system, expected morbidity, laparotomy, scoring system, metabolic syndrome, non-metabolic syndrome, tumor necrosis factor, immunohistochemistry, cancer progression, prostate cancer, immunosensor, neuroendocrine differentiation. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the field of medical science.