This book covers key areas of business, management and economics. The contributions by the authors include India’s digital revolution, labor law transformation, algorithmic accountability, social security schemes, multi-apping, platform economy, gender biases, high-level recruitment, NLP-driven approach, natural language processing, homosocial role theory, medical communication, healthcare insurance, digital health, patient education, health literacy, career advancement barriers, female corporate leadership development, homosocial reproduction theory, causal attribution theory, farm broadcast programmes, rural agriculture, enterprise-wise categorization, organization-wise categorization, content analysis, restaurant tipping, economic efficiency, deadweight loss, minority businesses, risk behavior, minority-owned business enterprises, market climate, urban development, entrepreneurial risk assessment scale, principal component analysis, entrepreneurial risk orientation, online marketing, customer satisfaction, social media marketing, rural weekly market, organic bhaji, organic production. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the fields of business, management and economics.
New Advances in Business, Management and Economics Vol. 1
Dr. Fang Xiang
University of International and Business Economics, China.
Book Details
Editor(s) | Dr. Fang Xiang |
Pages | 187 |
Publisher | BP International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-48859-66-2 (Print) |
Published | January 22, 2025 |