Novel Perspectives of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Vol. 8

Prof. Huan Yu
School of Earth Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, China.

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Book Details


Prof. Huan Yu




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-19315-52-9 (Print)
978-81-19315-54-3 (eBook)


June 28, 2023

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Huan Yu

School of Earth Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, China.

This book covers key areas of geography, environment and earth sciences. The contributions by the authors include potassium adsorption and desorption, clay minerals, cation exchange capacity, climate change, adaptation, women’s knowledge and awareness, crop productivity, soil nutrients, ecological purity, ecological deterioration, geosophy, genetic homogeneity, coastal marine ecosystems, sedimentation, coral reef, mining technology, rock massifs, tectonic processes, radioactive metals, medical waste management, pharmaceutical products, sustainable land management, remote sensing, wildlife poaching, ecological processes, fossil fuels, alternative energy sources, soil fauna, biopesticides, soil microbes; synthetic compounds, commercial growth.  This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of geography, environment and earth sciences.