Research Advances and Challenges in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 2

Prof. Rusu Teodor
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania.

Book Details


Prof. Rusu Teodor




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-969435-9-2 (Print)
978-81-969435-2-3 (eBook)


January 15, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Rusu Teodor

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania.

This book covers key areas of agricultural sciences. The contributions by the authors include hailstorms, crop damages, agricultural  and horticultural crops, lablab seed, feed supplement, ruminants’ diet, anti-nutritional factors, land resource inventory, natural-resources deterioration, satellite data, soil-physiographic relationship, geographical information system, chemical pesticides, amylase activity, oil seed crops, soil environment, nutrient management, chickpea cultivation, soil test, cluster front line demonstration, farmers practice, bioethanol production, biofuels, genetic improvement, millets byproduct, anti-fungal activity, mycotoxins, fungal contamination, cocoa bean fermentation, soil health, ornamental crops, organic rice production, weed management, herbicides, green manuring, crop–weed interference, meat production, lumpy skin disease, foot and mouth disease, cattle breeds, genetic quality, crop water requirements, food security, water scarcity, crop production, irrigation, water-agriculture nexus. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of agricultural sciences.