This book covers key areas of mathematical and computer Science. The contributions by the authors include cloud computing, computing resources, network resources, CRM application, fixed point, fuzzy metric space, mathematical models, finite difference method, transmission conditions, two-interval boundary-value problem, interior singular point, real time data and active device, internet of things, artificial intelligence, authentication systems, fingerprints, anti-spoofing, software-based liveness detection, Zipf’s Law, Benford’s Law, Planck’s Law, max entropy, transmission control protocol, data transmission, Internet bandwidth, optimization, link-load balancer, fuzzy taxonomic structures, cybercrime, fuzzy set theory, fractional derivative, diffusion equation, Soft-core processor, sensor networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, RSOC technology. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Mathematical and Computer Science.
Research and Applications Towards Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2
Dr. Xingting Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University, USA.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. Xingting Wang |
Pages | 178 |
Publisher | B P International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-81-19315-61-1 (Print) |
Published | July 01, 2023 |