Research Updates in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 8

Dr. Leo Willyanto Santoso
Petra Christian University, Indonesia.

Book Details


Dr. Leo Willyanto Santoso




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-974388-8-2 (Print)
978-81-974388-5-1 (eBook)


June 11, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Leo Willyanto Santoso

Petra Christian University, Indonesia.

This book covers key areas of mathematics and computer science. The contributions by the authors include fixed point theorems, b-metric space, cauchy sequence, banach contraction principle, fractional calculus, mixed quadrature rule, fractional calculus, fluid dynamics, cash conversion cycle, model selection instability, shrinkage methods, machine learning, geographic information systems, merkle trees, authoritative geographic system, blockchain networks, network analysis, biclique polynomial, independence polynomials, Pythagorean fuzzy sets, multi-criteria decision-making issues, green supplier, weighted sum method, domain of normal attraction, delayed moment convergence, local limit theorem, buoyancy effects, transverse magnetic field, Boussinesq approximation, Riccati real numbers, solvability, Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment equation, mobius transformation, diophantine equations, number theory, dio-3 tuples, Ramanujan numbers, asymptotic stability, Perron’s stability theorem, population dynamics. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the fields of mathematics and computer science.