Scientific Research, New Technologies and Applications Vol. 4

Prof. Hamdy M Afefy
Pharos University, Egypt.

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Book Details


Prof. Hamdy M Afefy




BP International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-48119-91-9 (Print)
978-93-48119-79-7 (eBook)


October 07, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Hamdy M Afefy

Pharos University, Egypt.

This book covers key areas of scientific research, new technologies and applications. The contributions by the authors include soil nutrient availability, Trichoderma viride, phosphate solubilizing microorganisms, biofertilizer, thermal stability, nanoporous cyanate ester resins, transport properties, gas diffusion, free induction decay, spin echo signals, zero field splitting, single transition operators, hypergraph clustering model, vehicular ad hoc networks, deep learning, marine capture fishing, livelihood implications effect of covid-19, government assistance, natural disasters, polyunsaturated fatty acids, microalgae, biochemical composition, anti-cancer activity, aluminum sandwich construction, vertical load bearing capability, light transportation systems, insulation ability, physiological responses of trees, air pollution tolerance index, bioremediation, relative water content. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the fields of scientific research, new technologies and applications.