AI and Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges

Kulbir Singh
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA.

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Book Details


Kulbir Singh




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-972223-4-4 (Print)
978-81-972223-0-6 (eBook)


April 06, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Kulbir Singh

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA.

We are currently at the threshold of a major transition in artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare. In this intersection is a book introducing an intersection: “AI and Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges.” Through it we determine the shimmering prospects and challenges AI brings to healthcare. For AI, the ever changing development trajectory in health care is promising to revolutionize patient care and offer new solutions for longstanding problems. However, a promising frontier is also a maze of ethical considerations and obstacles that must be negotiated with care.

At its essence, this book tries through AI and healthcare to break the riddles of AI down to simpler terms for an audience of all backgrounds. If you come from a background of data science nerds or have just dabbled with AI, this story is presented to keep you looking and wanting to progress toward the end. We are at a historic turning point where technological progress has picked up pace faster than ever paralleled by acute challenges facing global health. From the urgency of pandemic responses to the demographic changes brought about by greening and graying communities: the problems are huge and momentous indeed.

AI, in the midst of all the hardships and difficulties, offers hope, and with unmatched potential for early disease detection, precision medicine to match individual genetics backgrounds precisely and prediction of health crises before they occur. This book seizes the essence of this promise, subjecting these projections to a critical gaze and celebrating its milestones. It seeks to narrow the gap between expert and layperson, deepening reader understanding of AI’s place in healthcare whatever their background.

We examine the uncomfortable conversations head-on, because in combining AI’s analytical powers with the humanitarian goals of healthcare also presents ethical dilemmas and private space that must be handled as digital technologies become tools. This book will not shy away from these difficult conversations and does not take a preachy tone itself. Instead, it aims to provide a balanced view of both the accomplishments made so far – as well accountability when these all-powerful tools are employed.

Nowadays, it is imperative for everyone to understand how AI partners with health: from professionals to patients themselves as decisions increasingly depend on AI-derived insights. This book aims to equip its readers with the background necessary for all involved in meaningful conversations about the future actions of healthcare and technology. It emphasizes that the path AI will carve out in healthcare tomorrow depends on our choices today, so it calls for a joint effort among programmers, teachers and healthcare workers as well as the public to harness AI to serve better causes… and never allow their own cultural prejudice or bias in the process.

With novels and poems as “AI and Healthcare Opportunities and Challenges” unscroll before, they may yet seem to be a world in the human dimension where AI and healthcare blend together to shoehorn mere Up through tales of innovation, survival stories and changes in the destiny of mankind. The day we finally enter the countless intersections between tomorrow and AI, ensure that we will fly along new like a true co-creator in this age of innovation.