The books origin is an attempt to understand quantum mechanics and applications of this understanding of quantum mechanics in new phenomena like cancer. Why is it important to describe the new relativistic quantum mechanics of RB Little? Because the new enzymatics describing cancer are based on such new quantum mechanics. The 100th anniversary of Quantum Mechanics (QM) is during this time 2022-2023 and I write this book celebrating the 100th birthday of quantum mechanics by describing how luminous and superluminous motions and thereby relativity explain QM and couples QM to nuclei and to surrounding larger frame of C Frame of (Poincare Frame) for better understanding biology and life and malfunctions of life by cancer.
Cancer has been a mystery and it seems cancer has accelerated during the 20th century and continues to accelerate into the 21th century. But why? This book attempts a new molecular, atomic, electronic and nuclear basis of cancer in new ways based on luminous and superluminous motions of leptons of electrons and quarks for ultra-relativistic quantum mechanics for differing physical and chemical and thereby biological properties of stable isotopes of H, C, N, O, Mg, P, S and other stable isotopes of significance in living organisms. The author’s prior notions of superluminous motions of fields and/or fermions in continua states (plasma like) within atoms and nuclei having multiple electromagnetic waves with electrons and electric and magnetic fields manifesting discontinua of electrons described by wavefunctions is supported by recent observations of superluminous motions in plasma excited by lasers.
Schrodinger and Einstein inspire me; as Schrodinger and his quantum mechanics and theory of life based on quantum mechanics and Einstein his relativity, respectively, together seem not coupled but coupling I find basis of life and malfunctioning of life as by cancer. Quantum mechanics has been a mystery over its 100 years of existence. The author reasoned during last 20 years that not enough classical physics has been incorporated to understand quantum mechanics, in particular motions (luminous and superluminous motions of irrationalities) and relativity and as motions of charge is magnetism (and the author reasons novel magnetism by faster than light motions), magnetism and new magnetisms intrinsically inspires the author for understanding quantum mechanics. The author thinks that there is not enough magnetism in quantum theory and structure of atom and magnetisms involve motions and magnetisms that connect to relativity and motions and how such superluminous motions may couple quarks, hadrons, nuclei, leptons and electrons in new way of understanding and further couple atomic size to macrosize for coupling quantum mechanics to classical mechanics. As by understanding superluminous motions in nuclei the fractional fissing occurs to cause the surrounding quantum fields and the quantum fields in some atoms can manfest dissipative phenomena for life and altered particles and denseness in nuclei can cause malfunctions of life for diseases like cancer. This book is inspired by all such possibilities in the authors reasoning.